Jaw Surgery

Corrective Jaw Surgery at Dente Dental Studio

Corrective jaw surgery, offered at Dente Dental Studio, is a specialized procedure designed to address jaw irregularities effectively. Our team of skilled dentists collaborates to provide comprehensive solutions, ensuring your oral health and facial proportions are enhanced.

Benefits of Corrective Jaw Surgery:

  1. Improved Speech: Our corrective jaw surgery enhances speech clarity and fluency.
  2. Enhanced Chewing: Experience improved chewing ability and overall oral function.
  3. Facial Harmony: Corrective jaw surgery restores facial proportions for a more balanced appearance.
  4. Better Breathing: Breathe easier with optimized jaw alignment.
  5. Sleep Apnea Relief: Alleviate sleep apnea symptoms for a better night’s sleep.

The Corrective Jaw Surgery Procedure:

Our meticulous approach begins with a comprehensive examination, including state-of-the-art digital imaging to evaluate your jaw structure. At Dente Dental Studio, we utilize advanced 3D modeling technology to provide a visual representation of the surgical process, involving you every step of the way.

During jaw surgery (Orthognathic), our experienced surgeons operate from within the mouth to minimize visible scarring. We precisely adjust the jaw bone and secure it with screws, with separate procedures for the upper and lower jaws to ensure optimal results.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for Corrective Jaw Surgery?

Corrective jaw surgery (Orthognathic),  is suitable for individuals with jaw irregularities, such as overbites, underbites, or protruding jaws, whether due to genetics or accidents. However, we recommend attempting orthodontic treatments first, as many cases can be resolved with traditional braces. Corrective jaw surgery is considered only when orthodontics prove ineffective.

Results of Jaw Surgery Surgery:

You’ll experience immediate improvements in your appearance and functionality, particularly in the lower part of your face, where proportions are harmonized. Any previous issues will gradually diminish. Initial healing takes about 6 weeks, with final results becoming evident around 12 weeks.

For the best outcomes, we recommend starting orthodontic treatment six months after surgery to fine-tune your alignment, ensuring your smile and oral health are perfected.

If you’re seeking a trusted dental studio for corrective jaw surgery in turkey, choose Dente Dental Studio. Our team is dedicated to providing the highest level of care and expertise to transform your oral health and facial harmony.

Contact us today for a consultation.

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